Mobile Tech Troubleshooting

Having technical issues with Omega Strikers for Android or iOS mobile devices? This guide can help!

I’m unable to install the game!

  1. Restart your device.
  2. Check your device’s specs and see if they meet Omega Striker’s minimum spec requirements.
  3. Confirm you have enough storage space to install and unpack the application.

I have low FPS during a match!

  1. Restart your device.
  2. Close out all background apps and see if the FPS improves.

I have lag during a match!

  1. Restart your device.
  2. Are you using a cell or WiFi connection when you experience lag? If you are using WiFi, restart the router and see if anything improves. Otherwise switch to using your data instead.

If the issue persists after following the steps above, Submit A Ticket so we can troubleshoot.

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