When troubleshooting technical issues on Android devices we will sometimes request for log files to be sent over to us. These help us understand what is going on for your specific device and will allow us to provide better troubleshooting steps.
From a PC
Getting logs from your PC will require a physical connection between your PC and your mobile device.
- Connect your mobile device to your PC via USB
- Once connected, pull down the status bar at the top of the screen on your mobile device and select the USB option
- Choose Give access to your PC (full access)
- Open up File Explorer on your PC
- Select your mobile device from the available drives
Select Internal shared storage > Android > data > com.odysseyinteractive.omegastrikersbeta > files > UnrealGame > OmegaStrikers > OmegaStrikers > Saved > Logs
- Search for a LOG File named OmegaStrikers
- Download the log file and attach it to your ticket. Feel free to include multiple log files if you think it will help us troubleshoot your issue (these are labeled as Prometheus - back - date).