Surrender System / Auto Match Cancel System

During a match, there's more than enough time to think about how you're gonna pull off this 2v3 despite being down two sets. The Surrender System balances the playing field by offering a second option: vote to end the game early and honorably.

Surrender System

  • In Normal and Competitive modes, either team may now surrender during the Awakening Draft phase between sets if they have lost at least 2 sets in the game or have a player on their team that is inactive.
    • "Inactive" in most cases means disconnected from the match, but will also apply to players that haven't made any inputs in 40 seconds of one point.
    • Everyone on the team (not including inactive players) must vote to surrender for a surrender to occur.
  • Teams that surrender lose the match and will lose rank as if they had lost normally.

Auto Match Cancel System

  • If a player is detected as inactive early on into a match, the match will automatically cancel
  • A player that causes an automatic match cancellation will be penalized as if they had lost the match. This penalty will also apply to players in their pre-made group they queued up together with.
  • Penalties will not be incurred if you/your premade member caused an auto-match cancel and it was the first time within the last 2 weeks.
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