Creator Content & Rewards

Who doesn't like to represent their favorite creator?!?!?! This guide will walk you though all of the content that can be redeemed from our Creator VS events.

Creator VS 2.0

Creator Nameplate Code
Alpharad AlpharadVS
IKeepItTaco IKeepItTaco2VS
Mango MangoVS
Nyanners NyannersVS

Creator VS 1.0

The Creator VS 1.0 skins can be purchased through the in-game store as the redemption period for the free skin codes expired on May 31, 2023 @ 11:59PM PT 

The top 10 nameplates and emotes can be redeemed with the following codes:

Creator Nameplate Code Emote Code
MoistCritikal MoistCreatorVS MOIST
Rakin RakinCreatorVS RAKIN
LilyPichu LilyCreatorVS COMFY
Vienna ViennaCreatorVS VIENNA
IKeepItTaco TacoCreatorVS TACO
Rayditz RayditzCreatorVS RAYDITZ
Hafu HafuCreatorVS HAFU
OniGiri OniGiriCreatorVS ONIMART
Dyrus DyrusCreatorVS DYRUS
Tuonto TuontoCreatorVS TUONTO

You can redeem all of the content above by going into the store and selecting the coupon menu at the bottom of the screen. 


Why can't I see a coupon button while using a console? 

Coupon Code redemptions aren't supported on consoles but you can submit a ticket to support and we will unlock the content for you. You can also do an account link to PC or mobile devices to access the feature.

Why did my emotes from the creator event disappear?

We setup the emotes to only be temporary for the length of the event. In an upcoming patch we'll setup the top 10 winners emotes to be available. 

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