
Cross Play

Crossplay allows you to play together or against one another regardless of your platform of choice!

You can only disable crossplay with PlayStation and Xbox. Currently, it is not possible to disable crossplay on Steam, Nintendo Switch and mobile. If you would like to turn on/off crossplay on your console, use the following steps below.

On PlayStation and Xbox:

  1. In the game’s home screen, click ⚙️ icon in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click the ⚙️Settings option on the left side of the screen.
  3. Under the Gameplay section, the Crossplay option should be available.
  4. Click the drop down to menu to change your Crossplay from Enabled to Disabled.

*NOTE: Disabling crossplay will prevent players from playing within the Competitive queue. Additionally, disabling crossplay will result in longer queue times.


Cross Progression

Want to carry your progress anytime, everywhere, all at once? You can! Cross Progression allows you to play Omega Strikers on Steam, console, or mobile while keeping progress in Omega Strikers across all devices!

Cross Progression requires that you link your account across your multiple platforms of choice. You can follow our step by step guide on How to Setup Account Linking here.

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